National Gallery of Art. One thousend masterpieces in full color – Buch gebraucht kaufen
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12,90 €
Versandkosten: 11,00 € (Deutschland)
gebrauchtes Buch
* Keine MwSt.-Berechnung, da Privatverkauf.
(ISBN-13: 9780810903364)Zustand:
deutliche Gebrauchsspuren
696 S.
5000 g
New York
Deckel geklebt, Ecke r.u. Folie gelöst. Einband bestoßen, , Buch selbst in gutem und sauberen Zustand.
Der Katalog ist mit abschließbare Kunststoff Manschette versehen.
Die 1000 Kunstwerke bedeutender Künstler wie: Giotto, Bosch, Rembrand, Corot, Toulouse-Lautrec u.v.a. sind nach Epochen Chronologisch geordnet.
The list of master artists whose work is housed in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, seems endless. This massive volume contains rich color reproductions of works by Pollock, Brancusi, Cezanne, Picasso, and hundreds of other artists. The arrangement of the paintings and sculptures shows a strong curatorial hand, for often the works of two or more artists are mingled to illustrate the impact of one artist on another. To enhance the experience of leafing through this book, John Walker, director emeritus of the museum, places the artists and their work in historical, artistic, and social context with concise, revealing essays. Walker also discusses the inception and evolution of the gallery as well as the collecting habits and tastes of its major benefactors, people such as Andrew Mellon and Chester Dale. This book is an excellent companion to the museum and an wonderful addition to any art lover's collection.
Der Katalog ist mit abschließbare Kunststoff Manschette versehen.
Die 1000 Kunstwerke bedeutender Künstler wie: Giotto, Bosch, Rembrand, Corot, Toulouse-Lautrec u.v.a. sind nach Epochen Chronologisch geordnet.
The list of master artists whose work is housed in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, seems endless. This massive volume contains rich color reproductions of works by Pollock, Brancusi, Cezanne, Picasso, and hundreds of other artists. The arrangement of the paintings and sculptures shows a strong curatorial hand, for often the works of two or more artists are mingled to illustrate the impact of one artist on another. To enhance the experience of leafing through this book, John Walker, director emeritus of the museum, places the artists and their work in historical, artistic, and social context with concise, revealing essays. Walker also discusses the inception and evolution of the gallery as well as the collecting habits and tastes of its major benefactors, people such as Andrew Mellon and Chester Dale. This book is an excellent companion to the museum and an wonderful addition to any art lover's collection.
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