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The Quantum Economy - Saving the Mensch with Humanistic Capitalism – Buch gebraucht kaufen

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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 100,0% positiv (13 Bewertungen)
dieses Buch wurde bereits 1 mal aufgerufen
Preis: 9,80 € (25,00 €) *

Versandkosten: 2,95 € (Deutschland)
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* Keine MwSt.-Berechnung, da Privatverkauf. Durchgestrichener Preis ist der in Deutschland einheitlich gebundene Preis für ein neues Exemplar der aktuellsten Auflage mit der ISBN 9783430210508.



(ISBN-10: 343021050X)
wie neu
220x130 mm
510 g
Top-Zustand, minimaler Lagerschaden (Schutzumschlag an den Rändern unauffällig geknickt und an einer kaum sichtbaren Stelle in der Ecke abgewetzt), Gesamteindruck in keiner Weise schmuddelig!
A revolution of consciousness or our own demise – the choice is ours. Algorithms are increasingly becoming authorities and competing directly with humans. Recommendation engines have long taken control of our lives. We are threatened by a final narcissistic injury, and we are alienated by the fatal information society that we live in. But humans are still the ‘gluons’ that connect our perceived reality – the environment, society, and the economy – with our inner world: what it means to be a human being, a Mensch. If we want to ensure that the machines continue to serve us after the digital tsunami, then now is the time to leverage the full power of our reason to build a humanistic society. "A must-read for anyone who does not just want to see the future, but wants to be an active part of it.” Marshall Goldsmith , Two-time Thinkers 50 #1 Leadership Thinker "Anders Indset's thought-provoking new book is a must-read, and one I wish I had read prior to the outbreak of the pandemic." Dorie Clark , author of "Reinventing You" and Member of Executive Education Faculty Duke University Fuqua School of Business. “The Quantum Economy is a highly timely and truly relevant book. This new world – with Covid-19 and all the panic following it – begs us all to redefine how we live and how we do Business. A must read for anyone in search for meaning in how to run businesses.” Martin Lindstrom , New York Times best-selling author of Small Data and Buyology “The quantum economy opens up new perspectives on the economy of today and tomorrow - and on how our economy affects society. An inspirational reading that stimulates discussion and leaves a lasting impression.” Yves Pigneur , Professor of Management Information Systems, University of Lausanne
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